Testing Formula

WeightedClose=High+Low+(2×Close)4Weighted Close = \frac{{High + Low + (2 \times Close)}}{4} ROC=(Current PricePrice n periods ago)Price n periods ago×100ROC = \frac{(Current \ Price - Price \ n \ periods \ ago)}{Price \ n \ periods \ ago} \times 100 PsyLine=Number of Bullish DaysTotal Days×100PsyLine = \frac{Number \ of \ Bullish \ Days}{Total \ Days} \times 100 Qstick=1ni=1n(CiOi)Qstick = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}(C_i - O_i) Regression Coeff=N(XY)XYN(X2)(X)2Regression \ Coeff = \frac{N \sum (XY) - \sum X \sum Y}{N \sum (X^2) - (\sum X)^2} Relative Volatility=Current VolatilityHistorical Volatility×100Relative \ Volatility = \frac{Current \ Volatility}{Historical \ Volatility} \times 100 Schaff Cycle=MACDSignal LineSchaff \ Cycle = MACD - Signal \ Line Average Price=(High+Low+Close)3Average \ Price = \frac{(High + Low + Close)}{3} Current Price Change=Current Average PricePrevious Average PriceCurrent \ Price \ Change = Current \ Average \ Price - Previous \ Average \ Price Total Price Change=(Average PricePrevious Average Price)Total \ Price \ Change = \sum (Average \ Price - Previous \ Average \ Price) Shinohara Value=Current Price ChangeTotal Price Change×100Shinohara \ Value = \frac{Current \ Price \ Change}{Total \ Price \ Change} \times 100 Mean=PriceNMean = \frac{\sum Price}{N} Variance=(PriceMean)2NVariance = \frac{\sum (Price - Mean)^2}{N} Standard Deviation=VarianceStandard \ Deviation = \sqrt{Variance} SI=(HC)+(CL)+(HPH)+(CPL)2SI = \frac{(H - C) + (C - L) + (H - PH) + (C - PL)}{2} Average Price Change=(Current ClosePrevious Close)NAverage \ Price \ Change = \frac{\sum (Current \ Close - Previous \ Close)}{N} Trend Intensity=Current CloseLowest LowHighest HighLowest Low×100Trend \ Intensity = \frac{Current \ Close - Lowest \ Low}{Highest \ High - Lowest \ Low} \times 100 Typical Price=(High+Low+Close)3Typical \ Price = \frac{(High + Low + Close)}{3} Max Price=max(Closet,Closet1,,ClosetN)Max \ Price = \max(Close_t, Close_{t-1}, \dots, Close_{t-N}) Min Price=min(Closet,Closet1,,ClosetN)Min \ Price = \min(Close_t, Close_{t-1}, \dots, Close_{t-N}) VHF=Max PriceMin Pricei=1NClosetiCloseti1VHF = \frac{Max \ Price - Min \ Price}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} |Close_{t-i} - Close_{t-i-1}|} Volume ROC=(Current VolumeVolume N periods agoVolume N periods ago)×100Volume \ ROC = \left( \frac{Current \ Volume - Volume \ N \ periods \ ago}{Volume \ N \ periods \ ago} \right) \times 100 TR=max(HighLow,HighPrevious Close,LowPrevious Close)TR = \max(High - Low, |High - Previous \ Close|, |Low - Previous \ Close|) VI+=Sum of the Positive MovementSum of the True RangeVI+ = \frac{Sum \ of \ the \ Positive \ Movement}{Sum \ of \ the \ True \ Range} VI=Sum of the Negative MovementSum of the True RangeVI- = \frac{Sum \ of \ the \ Negative \ Movement}{Sum \ of \ the \ True \ Range} Weighted Close=(High+Low+(2×Close))4Weighted \ Close = \frac{(High + Low + (2 \times Close))}{4} A/D=Previous A/D+((CL)(HC)HL×V)A/D = Previous \ A/D + \left( \frac{(C - L) - (H - C)}{H - L} \times V \right) Money Flow Multiplier=(CL)(HC)HLMoney \ Flow \ Multiplier = \frac{(C - L) - (H - C)}{H - L} Money Flow Volume=Money Flow Multiplier×VMoney \ Flow \ Volume = Money \ Flow \ Multiplier \times V Aroon Oscillator=Aroon UpAroon DownAroon \ Oscillator = Aroon \ Up - Aroon \ Down Aroon Up=(Number of periodsPeriods since the highest highNumber of periods)×100Aroon \ Up = \left( \frac{Number \ of \ periods - Periods \ since \ the \ highest \ high}{Number \ of \ periods} \right) \times 100 Aroon Down=(Number of periodsPeriods since the lowest lowNumber of periods)×100Aroon \ Down = \left( \frac{Number \ of \ periods - Periods \ since \ the \ lowest \ low}{Number \ of \ periods} \right) \times 100 TR=max(HighLow,HighPrevious Close,LowPrevious Close)TR = \max(High - Low, |High - Previous \ Close|, |Low - Previous \ Close|) +DM=HighPrevious High (if positive, otherwise 0)+DM = High - Previous \ High \ (if \ positive, \ otherwise \ 0) DM=Previous LowLow (if positive, otherwise 0)-DM = Previous \ Low - Low \ (if \ positive, \ otherwise \ 0) +DI=100×Average(+DM,n)Average(TR,n)+DI = \frac{100 \times Average(+DM, n)}{Average(TR, n)} DI=100×Average(DM,n)Average(TR,n)-DI = \frac{100 \times Average(-DM, n)}{Average(TR, n)} ADX=Moving Average(+DIDI(+DI+DI)×100)ADX = Moving \ Average \left( \frac{|+DI - -DI|}{(+DI + -DI)} \times 100 \right) Median Price=High+Low2Median \ Price = \frac{High + Low}{2} AO=SMA5(Median Price)SMA34(Median Price)AO = SMA_5(Median \ Price) - SMA_{34}(Median \ Price) BOP=(CloseOpen)(HighLow)BOP = \frac{(Close - Open)}{(High - Low)} BB%=CloseLower BandUpper BandLower Band×100BB\% = \frac{Close - Lower \ Band}{Upper \ Band - Lower \ Band} \times 100 Upper Band=SMA(n)+(k×Standard Deviation(n))Upper \ Band = SMA(n) + (k \times Standard \ Deviation(n)) Lower Band=SMA(n)(k×Standard Deviation(n))Lower \ Band = SMA(n) - (k \times Standard \ Deviation(n)) Candle Range=HighLowCandle \ Range = High - Low Average Range=(Candle Range)nAverage \ Range = \frac{\sum (Candle \ Range)}{n} Weighted Sum=i=1n(i×Price[i])Weighted \ Sum = \sum_{i=1}^{n} (i \times Price[i]) Total Sum=i=1niTotal \ Sum = \sum_{i=1}^{n} i COG=Weighted SumTotal SumCOG = \frac{Weighted \ Sum}{Total \ Sum} EOM=(H+L2C)×100VolumeEOM = \frac{(H + L - 2C) \times 100}{Volume} EMAt=(Pt×α1+n)+(EMAt1×(1α1+n))EMA_t = \left( P_t \times \frac{\alpha}{1 + n} \right) + \left( EMA_{t-1} \times \left( 1 - \frac{\alpha}{1 + n} \right) \right) WMA(n)=(P1×1)+(P2×2)++(Pn×n)1+2++nWMA(n) = \frac{(P_1 \times 1) + (P_2 \times 2) + \ldots + (P_n \times n)}{1 + 2 + \ldots + n} HMA(n)=WMA(2×WMA(n2)WMA(n))HMA(n) = WMA\left(2 \times WMA\left(\frac{n}{2}\right) - WMA(n)\right) EMA=Exponential Moving Average of the closing pricesEMA = \text{Exponential Moving Average of the closing prices} Upper Band=EMA+(K×ATR)Upper \ Band = EMA + (K \times ATR) Lower Band=EMA(K×ATR)Lower \ Band = EMA - (K \times ATR) Upper Band=MA+(MA×Percentage)Upper \ Band = MA + (MA \times Percentage) Lower Band=MA(MA×Percentage)Lower \ Band = MA - (MA \times Percentage) PP=High+Low+Close3PP = \frac{High + Low + Close}{3} S1=(2×PP)HighS1 = (2 \times PP) - High S2=PP(HighLow)S2 = PP - (High - Low) S3=S2(HighLow)S3 = S2 - (High - Low) R1=(2×PP)LowR1 = (2 \times PP) - Low R2=PP+(HighLow)R2 = PP + (High - Low) R3=R2+(HighLow)R3 = R2 + (High - Low) SMA=Sum of Closing Prices over N periodsNSMA = \frac{Sum \ of \ Closing \ Prices \ over \ N \ periods}{N} SMMA1=Sum of Closing Prices over N periodsNSMMA_1 = \frac{Sum \ of \ Closing \ Prices \ over \ N \ periods}{N} SMMAt=SMMAt1×(N1)+Current PriceNSMMA_t = \frac{SMMA_{t-1} \times (N - 1) + Current \ Price}{N} Uptrend=(High+Low)2+(Multiplier×ATR)Uptrend = \frac{(High + Low)}{2} + (Multiplier \times ATR) Downtrend=(High+Low)2(Multiplier×ATR)Downtrend = \frac{(High + Low)}{2} - (Multiplier \times ATR) SMA=i=1nPriceinSMA = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} Price_i}{n} TMA=SMA of the SMATMA = SMA \ of \ the \ SMA SMA=i=1nPriceinSMA = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} Price_i}{n} TMA=SMA of the SMATMA = SMA \ of \ the \ SMA TSMA=P1+2P2+3P3++nPn(1+2+3++n)TSMA = \frac{P_1 + 2P_2 + 3P_3 + \ldots + nP_n}{(1 + 2 + 3 + \ldots + n)} EMA=(Pt×α)+(EMAt1×(1α))1EMA = \frac{(P_t \times \alpha) + (EMA_{t-1} \times (1 - \alpha))}{1} DEMA=2×EMAEMA of EMADEMA = 2 \times EMA - EMA \ of \ EMA TEMA=3×EMA3×DEMA+EMA of DEMATEMA = 3 \times EMA - 3 \times DEMA + EMA \ of \ DEMA Volatility=HighLowClose Volatility = \frac{High - Low}{Close} SF=1N×VolatilitySF = \frac{1}{N} \times Volatility VIDYA=VIDYAprevious+SF×(CloseVIDYAprevious)VIDYA = VIDYA_{previous} + SF \times (Close - VIDYA_{previous}) Smoothing Factor=1Volatility+1Smoothing \ Factor = \frac{1}{Volatility + 1} VMA=VMAprevious+Smoothing Factor×(CloseVMAprevious)VMA = VMA_{previous} + Smoothing \ Factor \times (Close - VMA_{previous}) VWMA=(Pi×Vi)ViVWMA = \frac{\sum (P_i \times V_i)}{\sum V_i} VWMAN=i=1N(Pi×Vi)i=1NViVWMA_N = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} (P_i \times V_i)}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} V_i} WMA=i=1N(Pi×Wi)i=1NWiWMA = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} (P_i \times W_i)}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} W_i} Tenkansen=Highest High+Lowest Low2 over the last 9 periods.Tenkan-sen = \frac{Highest \ High + Lowest \ Low}{2} \ \text{over the last 9 periods.} Kijunsen=Highest High+Lowest Low2 over the last 26 periods.Kijun-sen = \frac{Highest \ High + Lowest \ Low}{2} \ \text{over the last 26 periods.} Senkou Span A=Tenkansen+Kijunsen2 plotted 26 periods into the future.Senkou \ Span \ A = \frac{Tenkan-sen + Kijun-sen}{2} \ \text{plotted 26 periods into the future.} Senkou Span B=Highest High+Lowest Low2 over the last 52 periods, plotted 26 periods into the future.Senkou \ Span \ B = \frac{Highest \ High + Lowest \ Low}{2} \ \text{over the last 52 periods, plotted 26 periods into the future.} Chikou Span=Close price plotted 26 periods into the past.Chikou \ Span = Close \ price \ \text{plotted 26 periods into the past.}

DEMA Formula

The formula for calculating the DEMA is as follows:

DEMA=(2×EMAn)EMAEMAnDEMA = (2 \times EMA_n) - EMA_{EMA_n}


  • EMAnEMA_n = Exponential Moving Average of the closing price over nn periods.
  • EMAEMAnEMA_{EMA_n} = Exponential Moving Average of the previously calculated EMA.

QStick Formula

The formula for calculating the QStick is as follows:

Qstick=1ni=1n(CiOi)Qstick = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}(C_i - O_i)


  • CiC_i is the closing price of ithi^{th} period..
  • OiO_i is the opening price for the ithi^{th} period.
  • nn is the number of periods considered.