AnalyticsTime & Sales

Time & Sales

What is Time and Sales

Time & Sales panel displays all trades that occur for selected instrument and provides details for each trade including date, time, price, and quantity. Each line is color-coded to indicate whether the trade was a result of an aggressive buyer or seller.

Time & Sales panel keeps a running record of trades for selected instruments displayed in chronological order. Each new entry is added to the top of the list, causing the panel screen to auto-scroll downward.

Time & Sales panel in GoCharting shows all executed trades

Main Components of Time & Sales

  1. Trades Bar Chart (RED – SELL trade and GREEN -BUY trade)
  2. A table comprising of following fields:
    • Arrows (UP = BUY, DOWN = SELL)
    • Trade Size: The quantity of trade
    • Trade Amount: Trade Quantity X Trade Price
    • Price: The price at which trade was executed
    • Time: The timestamp of the trade
  3. Filter Icon: Filter the big trades
  4. Gradient Coloring: Shows the big trades

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